Bild: Nassers Tochter Dahlia auf dem Arm von Nichte Donja: Zuversicht trotz angekündigtem Abriss. © P. Moore / EAPPI
Der Brief eines kämpferischen Palästinensers, der mir in den letzten vier Monaten ans Herz gewachsen ist: Nasser Nawaj’ah, unermüdlicher Promoter des Dorfes Susiya im Süden von Hebron. Der Brief zeigt, wie kaltschnäuzig und überheblich die israelische Besatzungsmacht mit der palästinensischen Bevölkerung in der Westbank umgeht. Setzt sich doch die Armee (CA=Civil Administration) mit den Leuten von Susiya zusammen, um ihnen den Abriss der Hälfte des Dorfes in den nächsten Tagen zu verkünden:
„ Dear Friend,
We, the residents of Khirbet Susiya, a Palestinian village in the West Bank, need your help.
The Israeli Civil Administration (CA) has notified us of an intention to demolish homes in our village and leave entire families homeless in the desert once the month of Ramadan is over, three days from now.
Last Sunday we met with CA officials and with the Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). They told us that the nonprofit Regavim and settlers in our area had pressured them into starting the demolitions before August 3rd, which is when the Israeli High Court will hear our petition.
Yesterday we received the list of structures the Civil Administration wants us to demolish. These structures serve 74 of the residents of Susiya, half of them are children. The list includes almost hald ouf our village structures: ten residential homes, our clinic, eight animal shelters, and twelve storerooms, outhouses, etc.
I was born in the original village of Khirbet Susiya, but we were forced out of there by Israel. We now live on our farmland – and we will not leave it.
We drew up a master plan to legalize the status of our homes, which we built on our land, but the CA rejected it. We petitioned the High Court with the help of Rabbis for Human Rights, asking that that CA be ordered to accept the plan. There are several illegal Israeli outposts close to our village, but the authorities have not threatened them with demolition – even though they have no building permits or master plans.
All we can do now is to continue protesting the plan to demolish our homes, expel us from our land, and transfer it to the settlers.
How can you help?
- Get your friends to join and stand with Susiya – we need as many people as possible. Share this information and sign up page:
- Save the date: On Friday afternoon, 24 July, come to demonstrate with us in the village, which lies south of Hebron.
- Ta’ayush is coordinating regular presence of activists at our village from the end of ‘Eid al-Fitr on Monday, 20 July, to the date of the High Court hearing in our petition on 3 August. Sign up for shifts.
Thank you for your support,
Nasser Nawaj’ah
B’Tselem researcher, resident of Khirbet Susiya „
Dazu der Link zum Blog meiner EAPPI-Kollegin Pia. Sie ist in Susiya mit schützender Präsenz vor Ort:
Marcus, EAPPI-Summer-Team, Juli 2015